Celebrate Earth Day 2022

With Earth Day just around  the corner, let's remember what we're celebrating and the importance the event holds! Every April 22nd we acknowledge the act of preserving our planet to keep it clean and safe. Billions of people all over the world celebrate in environmentally friendly ways. Here is how you can too!

Tackle Litter

If you decide to go on a walk this Earth Day to take in the beauty of Spring's nature, keep an eye out for garbage that needs to be picked up and thrown away. This act of kindness to the environment will eliminate harm to Mother Earth's creatures and plant life. When plastic garbage is exposed for long periods of time to the environment, toxic chemicals are released into the soil. By going to your local park, beach, reserve, or just staying around your neighborhood and picking up garbage, you become one with earth and feel connected to making a difference! 

Conserve Water 

This Earth Day, take a break from long luxurious showers and limit your water use to help preserve our environment! By using less water, we are protecting our limited supply of fresh water. Seventy percent of the earth is made up of water and according to H2ouse, only 0.03% of that water is fresh. Be an ally on the 22nd and shorten your shower to 4 minutes or less and turn off your sink while brushing your teeth. By practicing water conservation, we are saving energy, protecting wildlife and advocating for fresh water for all!

Begin Composting

Starting a compost at home is a great way to give back to our planet. What is composting? All you have to do is gather up your banana peels, egg shells, apple cores and chicken bones and throw them in a pile! The nutrients from the biodegradable products we compile adds nutrients to our natural soil and feeds microorganisms as well as earthworms and insects. The benefits of composts makes for great plant growth. Composting keeps plants out of harms way of diseases and makes room for beneficial organisms like fungus. Choose an area in your backyard to place your collected biodegradable kitchen waste and put an end to putting uneaten food into landfills.

Plant a Tree

Planting trees or even some flowers can brighten your Earth Day this year! It’s a fun activity to also get your kids involved by educating them on the benefits of trees for the environment as well as for humans. These benefits include reduction of storm water runoff, air quality improvement, wildlife protection and many more. Whether you desire to plant a tree on your own property or within a public area, you will be contributing to creating a new habitat for wildlife. You can visit your local nursery or home improvement store to pick out a tree to plant.

Make sure to get outside this Earth Day to celebrate the modern environmental movement and research ways to get involved to make our planet a better place!

Here are the ways you can get involved with wfc at wfc for environment!

  • Celebrate the different seasons of Oyster bay and all the flora and fauna that they bring with a cruise guided by Friends of the Bay and The WaterFront Center. Proceeds from this event will support both organizations in their endeavors to educate the public and build a community of stewards to protect these natural resources.

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  • The WaterFront Center is a horseshoe crab survey site where volunteers can join our team to walk the beach during the evening high tides to count, size, and tag any horseshoe crabs found on Beekman and Theodore Roosevelt beaches.

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  • Help raise oysters for continued health and clean waters within Oyster Bay/ColdSpring Harbor. Give back to the waters we call home by volunteering to help clean cages throughout the summer. For a small support fee, learn about the life-cycle of oysters, build cages, sort and clean oysters.

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