ZIG ZAG & VOW: More Than Just Sailing

In Oyster Bay, an afternoon of sailing can do wonders for anyone, but at The WaterFront Center, sailing is therapy. Our ZigZag: Adaptive Sailing brings together individuals of diverse needs for an afternoon of sailing, healing, and friendship through the fun and therapeutic qualities of sailing.

Our teaching methods and custom equipment support individuals with cognitive and physical disabilities. Using our 23ft Sonars, students can safely relax while learning to sail!  

The therapeutic benefits of sailing extend beyond our physical condition to remedy our mental health. In addition, The WaterFront Center's Veterans on Water (VOW) program provides former military service members with an often new but liberating experience. Learning to sail while being supported by others on a sailboat exposes new sailors to positive and constructive stress that takes our veterans out of their comfort zones for personal growth and empowerment.   

Fred Diblasio retired this year and saw our poster at the Veterans Association in Northport. He can no longer deal with the maintenance of owning a boat, and VOW allows him to continue sailing free of charge and hassle!   

Lidia Rogers, no relation to Steve Rogers (aka Captain America), has always loved the water. She served in the United States Navy and now gets to share her passion for the water with her son! VOW allows them to spend quality time bonding on the water as they learn to sail across Oyster Bay.   

With partners like the Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS), our ZIG ZAG program can reach patients treated for conditions such as cerebral palsy, autism, and scoliosis. In 2018, Sabrina Cerciello, a physical therapist in pediatric rehabilitation for HSS, explained that, 

"These programs give them the opportunity to move their bodies in a different way. All these kids here today don't have as much voluntary control over their muscles and their movement. Getting on and off the boat and sitting on the boat while the waves are rocking gets their bodies to different movement patterns, allowing them to use different muscles that keep us upright, practice their balance, and keep up their overall endurance."  

Whether sailors come to the Waterfront Center to learn how to sail or to relax for therapeutic benefits, we offer something for everyone. Our VOW and Zig Zag programs are here to support our community members no matter their   

If you know any veterans or friends with cognitive or physical challenges, please tell them about our unique programs at the WaterFront Center. For more information, please email Sailing@thewaterfrontcenter.org 

Author: MacKenzie McGuckin

The WaterFront Center

The WaterFront Center (WFC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Oyster Bay, New York. It provides access to the waters of Oyster Bay Harbor and Long Island Sound through hands-on marine education, recreational and instructional sailing programs, and a variety of on-the-water experiences. WFC offers paddleboard, kayak, and sailboat rentals, as well as harbor tours aboard the National Historic Landmark oyster sloop Christeen and the oyster dredge Ida May—both integral to connecting people to the maritime heritage of the region.


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