Spring Youth Sailing Classes - 2025

Welcome to Spring Youth Sailing 2025! Some of our classes have changed, while others have stayed the same. We’re here to walk you through those changes so you understand what is going on and can pick the best sailing classes for your child sailor to have a successful and fun spring sailing experience!


We have split up our sailing classes for sailors in 3rd - 8th grade into Youth Sailing Session 1 and Youth Sailing Session 2. Youth Sailing Session 1 opens sailing for younger children earlier and makes it more accessible for all as these classes will be held on our sonars and, therefore, do not require a dry suit! Youth Sailing Session 1 will take place during the first three Sundays of May. You can find more details on these classes in this session below

Youth Sailing Session 2 will take place on the first three Sundays of June and feature Opti classes in the morning, split up by beginner and intermediate, and adventure sailing classes in the afternoon, split by age. You can find more details on these classes in this session below

Staying the same:

Our High School Sailing Team, Jr Big Boat Race Team, and Opti Race Team classes will continue as regular. Details on these classes can be found below.

Thank you, and Happy New Year - WFC Team!


Youth Sailing Session 1

Grades 3rd -5th & 6th - 8th

Sundays: May 4th, 11th, & 18th

Registration Opens January 13th @ 12pm

Sailors will be divided into groups and sail aboard WFC Sonars, 23-foot keelboats while learning the fundamentals of sailing. Participants will work as a team and enhance their skills. This class is ideal for beginners or sailors who have some basic knowledge of sailing.

  • Sailors will be divided into groups and sail aboard WFC Sonars, 23-foot keelboats while learning the fundamentals of sailing. Participants will work as a team and enhance their skills. This class is ideal for beginners or sailors who have some basic knowledge of sailing.

    Grades: 3rd - 5th

    Sundays: May 4th, 11th, & 18th

    Time: 9 am - 12 pm

    Price: $275

    Registration Opens January 13th @ 12pm

  • Sailors will be divided into groups and sail aboard WFC Sonars, 23-foot keelboats while learning the fundamentals of sailing. Participants will work as a team and enhance their skills. This class is ideal for beginners or sailors who have some basic knowledge of sailing.

    Grades: 6th - 8th

    Sundays: May 4th, 11th, & 18th

    Time: 1 pm - 4 pm

    Price: $275

    Registration Opens January 13th @ 12pm



Youth Sailing Session 2

Opti & Adventure Sailing

Sundays: June 1st, 8th, & 15th

Registration Opens January 13th @ 12pm

  • Description: Children will learn parts of the boat, how to rig, points of sail, sailing up and downwind, water safety, capsize prevention and recovery, sportsmanship, and sailing vocabulary while making friends and having fun on the water!

    Skill Level: This class is for children with no sailing knowledge and children who have not mastered the foundations of sailing. It can be taken as many times as your child needs to fully understand the fundamentals.

    Grades: 3rd - 6th

    Time: 9 am - 12 pm

    Price: $275

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  • Expirence Required

    Description: Children will dive into the world of Opti race and learn the rules of racing course setups, practice different starting techniques, learn how to round marks, practice how to get out of a competitor’s bad air and penalties, and how to finish a race.

    Skill Level: This class is for children who have confidently mastered sailing upwind and the foundations of sailing in an Opti. Children must be recommended for this class and get approval from the Sailing Director before starting.

    Grades: 3rd - 7th

    Time: 9 am - 12 pm

    Price: $275

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  • Adventure Sailing teaches the fundamentals of sailing, safety on the water, and good seamanship in a casual and fun setting. This class, conducted on Hobie Catamarans, is perfect for children who want to explore Oyster Bay Harbor while learning the basics of sailing. Participants will take turns as skipper and crew, gaining experience in all aspects of seamanship.

    Grades: 3rd - 5th

    Time: 1pm - 4pm

    Price: $275

  • Adventure Sailing teaches the fundamentals of sailing, safety on the water, and good seamanship in a casual and fun setting. This class, conducted on Hobie Catamarans, is perfect for children who want to explore Oyster Bay Harbor while learning the basics of sailing. Participants will take turns as skipper and crew, gaining experience in all aspects of seamanship.

    Grades: 6th - 8th

    Time: 1 pm - 4 pm

    Price: $275


High School Sailing (ages 12-18)

Grades: 7th - 12th

Schedule: March 11th – May 30th

Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Time: 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Price: $875

Registration opens Monday, January 13th @ 12 pm

Description: Sailors will work together to learn, practice, and race in sailing regattas. Newer sailors will break off and learn everything they need to know about the foundations of sailing, while more experienced racers will practice their technical skills and regatta sailing. Sailors are given the opportunity to race in regattas representing their high school or join the WFC’s composite team to participate in races around Long Island.

Skill Level: For teenagers of all sailing skills and levels! Beginner to expert.

Opti Race Team (experience required) 

Grades: 4th - 9th

Sundays: June 1st, 8th, & 15th

Time: 9 am - 4 pm (Lunch Break 12 pm - 1 pm *BYO Lunch)

Registration opens Monday, January 13th @ 12 pm.

Description: During practices, children will continue to work on and refine technical race and sailing skills. Children will race against each other children and teams in scrimmages and enter into season regattas where they will compete against some of the best opti sailors in the state.

Skill Level: For children who have confidently mastered the foundations of sailing and racing and who are ready to enter regattas on the WFC Opti Race Team in Green Fleet. Children must be recommended for this class and get approval from the Sailing Director before starting.

Jr. Big Boat Race Team (ages 12-18)

Ages: 14 - 18

Schedule: Mondays & Wednesdays; May 7th – June 25th

Time: Monday: 3:30 -7:00 pm/ Wednesday: Race Night 3:30 - Dark

Price: $800/sailor

Registration opens Monday, January 13th @ 12 pm

Description: Learn to race as a team on our J/105! The junior big boat team will expand your child’s sailing horizons as they go more in-depth on various skills in each position of the boat. Team sailing makes for a well-rounded sailor who will have the confidence to take on new and bigger boats as they move forward in the competitive sailing world.

Skill Level: Sailors must have the basic foundations of sailing mastered. *Prior Sailing Experience Needed** Enrolled sailors will be reviewed based on their skill level and boating experience. Registrations will not be finalized until the Sailing Director/Head Coach approves. Refunds will be issued if the sailor can not be reassigned to a proper skill-level class.

Shannon Kelly

Shannon grew up in Oyster Bay and received a Bachelor of Arts in English with a concentration in creative writing from Binghamton University in 2019. She has been working for The Waterfront Center for 6 years in various positions from Educator to Communications Coordinator. During her time at The WaterFront Center, she has taught over 500 children of all ages from various school around Long Island and New York City about marine, environmental, and biological sciences. When she was younger she loved going sailing with her father and has continued her education in sailing here with us at The Waterfront Center. Her passions include reading, writing, filming, being on the water, and rugby.


New program: Woodworking at the WFC - Build your own Pond Yacht


2025 WFC Calendar